Blog | Dante Law Firm | Florida
Truck accidents are different from car accidents and may require additional help. Find out why you should hire truck wreck lawyers here.
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All Serious Accidents

Feb 25, 2021
Truck Accident Lawyer image
7 Vital Reasons to Hire Truck Wreck Lawyers After Your Truck Accident
Statistics show that trucking fatalities and crashes are the highest they have been in 30 years. One of the reasons for this is that trucks are the workhorses of the transportation sector. However, according to the Department of Transportation, 90% of truck accidents are a result of human error.  If you have been involved in […]
Jan 23, 2021
Wrongful death lawyers image
How Can Wrongful Death Lawyers Help?
Losing a loved one is never easy. For those who lose a loved one to wrongful death, there is some hope to pursue justice and financial compensation. Florida state law surrounding personal injury claims and wrongful death claims are extensive and difficult to decipher without a background in law. This is only one of the […]
May 15, 2020
Accident during Covid-19 - Dante Law Firm
What Will Happen to My Personal Injury Case During COVID-19?
With the coronavirus closing down all kind of businesses, including some courtrooms, you may be wondering what’s going to happen to the case your personal injury lawyer is handling for you. Additionally, there will still be accidents and other injuries like slip and falls, even though there are fewer cars on the road and not […]
Apr 13, 2020
Driving during COVID-19
Driving Safely During the Coronavirus Pandemic Could Save Your Life
Everyone knows that driving safely is the best way to reduce your chances of suffering serious injury in a car accident. However, during a global pandemic, driving safely is even more important. Hospitals and emergency rooms in the Miami-Dade area are already crowded. Medical professionals are working around the clock helping Coronavirus patients. As the […]
Apr 08, 2020
Cruise Ships and COVID-19
Can I Sue If I Contracted the Coronavirus on a Cruise Ship?
The Coronavirus has swept across the country and has already resulted in over 12,000 deaths. Some of the first illnesses occurred at sea during cruise ship excursions. Massive cruise liners have quarantined thousands and sickened hundreds of people. Some have even died. Cruise ships have been stranded off the coast of the U.S. and not […]
Feb 12, 2020
Injuries at School - Dante Law Firm
An Injury at School: Can and Should a Parent Sue?
Did you know that about 30 million American children are taken to the emergency room every year? That’s a staggering statistic that could make any parent worry about their child’s safety. When you send your child off to school, you should be able to have the peace of mind that they’ll be safe until you pick them […]
Feb 06, 2020
Florida Boating Accidents - Dante Law Firm
South Florida Boating Accidents Can Cause Injury or Death
Going out on the open sea or along a beautiful coast in a boat is one of the best ways to destress and enjoy life for all it’s worth. Although going on a boat can be an experience of a lifetime, it can still be a dangerous activity, especially if you’ve hired an inexperienced charter […]
Jan 09, 2020
Slip and Fall Accidents - Dante Law Firm
How Slip and Fall Accidents Happen (and How You Can Prevent Them)
Slips, trips, and falls account for over 25 percent of workplace injuries, making it the third most common injury that people experience at work. Oftentimes, slip and fall accidents occur as a result of negligence or poor housekeeping practices and could have been entirely avoided. By learning more about how slip and fall accidents happen in the workplace, […]
Jan 06, 2020
Rollover Crash in Miami-Dade - Dante Law Firm
Fatal Rollover Wreck on Miami-Dade’s Bird Road Leaves One Dead, One Arrested
The holidays are a dangerous time to be on the road, and early on Friday morning, three people found that out the hard way. Southwest Miami-Dade police and fire rescue crews responded to a rollover wreck around three in the morning on December 20, 2019. Read on to learn more about the crash, the causes, and the investigation […]
Dec 20, 2019
Medical Malpractice - Dante Law Firm
When Does a Difficult Labor and Delivery Become Medical Malpractice?
The U.S is a dangerous place to give birth. In fact, maternal death rates are the highest in the U.S. among developed nations. Why are so many mothers and infants at risk during childbirth in our country? Hospitals and doctors aren’t doing enough. Medical malpractice is to blame for many of these injuries and deaths. If you […]
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