Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Miami, FL
Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Miami, FL
It’s not something you think about when you go to work, but workplace injuries do happen. No matter how safe you are at work, some things just aren’t foreseeable. The good news is that most workplace injuries are covered by workers’ compensation insurance.
The bad news is that sometimes your employer or the insurance provider may deny your claim. Do you know what to do next?
If you need a Workers Compensation Accident Attorney in Miami, contact the Dante Law Firm. Our knowledgeable and experienced attorneys are standing by to help you through your case.
Types of Injuries
Some jobs are more dangerous than others. If we look at the industries that have the highest number of injuries and illnesses, see laborers, truck drivers, janitors, nursing assistants, and construction personnel. However, we know that any job has the potential to cause injuries.
Some injuries are obvious, the kinds you think of when you think about workplace incidents: slip and falls, being struck by machinery, lacerations, broken bones, etc.
We also know that there are many workplace injuries that are less visible, such as repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. Repetitive stress injuries often manifest slowly over the course of years, making them harder to pinpoint on workplace causes.
Mental Health
Many jobs are stressful and can be detrimental to your mental health. In high-stress jobs like social work, law enforcement, management positions, and more, you could become depressed, develop anxiety, or suffer from PTSD. We want you to know that mental health claims are also eligible for workers’ compensation. The cause of mental health disorders can be harder to pinpoint, so workers’ compensation may be harder to get.
Being Denied
If your employer or state workers’ compensation insurance system denies your injury claim, you may not know what to do next. After all, these injuries can keep you from working. Not only would this force you to pay out of pocket for your medical expenses, but you would lose income as well. We don’t think it is fair for you to have to go through this. Worse, if your employer intimidates you or fires you for filing a workers’ compensation claim, this could create a wrongful termination case.
If You’re Hurt At Work
You shouldn’t have to suffer financially if you get hurt at work. When we take a job, we do so with the expectation that, if anything happens to us, we will be covered. Being denied a workers’ compensation claim can have a devastating effect on you financially and could jeopardize the livelihood of your family. At the Dante Law Firm, we can provide you with a Miami workers’ compensation lawyer who will be your advocate, fighting by your side every step of the way. We want to make sure you get the medical care you need as well as ensure you have income while you have to miss work. You need to focus on healing, not fighting for your rights. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 305-949-2526 for a free consultation.
So professional I trusted him with my case. He is really about getting his clients what they deserve.He was always available when I needed my questions ask I would highly recommend him!!!!